Thursday, October 19, 2006

This just in...

So, I was talking to this nurse today over the phone, trying to get some information on a patient we're following. So I ask her, "Is he on any pressors?"

She answers, "Well, he's on lopressor." And she's serious.

If you think that's funny, you may have been a nurse too long.


Dr. A said...

That's something I would say, but I don't think I could keep a straight face.

Anonymous said...

See me rolling my eyes?

b. perky

Judy said...

I've been a NICU nurse too long. It took me 3 or 4 seconds to figure out what was wrong with that comment.

PJ Geraghty said...

I like the ones who tell us the patient's GCS is zero (or one, or two).

Shig said...

PJ, that'd be sad if it wasn't so funny.

Scott Chisholm Lamont said...

Ouch . . . that is why I have perfect job security - I'm a clinical educator. If you are not teaching something new, you are re-teaching something old.

none said...

Wow, sounds like my last call to a local hospital. RN said pt had 2 flat EEGs and a neg exam. Coord got there and pt had GCS of 8 and was moving. SHould've had him sign his own consent.

Shig said...

I have walked onto a unit only to find the nursing staff whispering and looking at me guiltily. Then one nurse says, "She wasn't doing ANYTHING when I called, I swear!" It appears the pt woke from her barbituate induced sleepy sleep-rather feistily too. The moral:Narcan does not, repeat does not, reverse barbituates people.

none said...

I love when they do the "They weren't doing anything before". Really! Something told you to call me in the first place- certainly that same thing could have told you to call back and say "Never mind, go back to bed."