Well, all right, enough suspense. The news is:I'm back in the transplant game. I was waiting to break the news to my boss and officially decide before I said anything to anyone. I'm taking a job as a kidney/pancreas transplant coordinator starting next month.
It was a toss up. The new job is Monday thru Friday, flexible hours as long as I show up for clinic and meetings. Call is from home-I only have to take calls, I don't have to go anywhere in the middle of the night. No weekends or holidays.
The flip side is that I'm giving up bedside nursing, which I do like and I'm giving up taking care of the little ones, which I love. I'm also giving up doctors who role their eyes at the nurses suggestions, giving up working every other weekend and giving up getting a talking to when I'm 5 minutes late. No more 12 hours shifts. I can come home and do something more than gobble down dinner and go to bed with the baby. Pay's the same, benefits are comparable, one more week of vacation. The group of TC's in the office all seem pretty cool and they seem to get along with one another and the boss. I'll be doing post transplant, following up with the patients after they're transplanted, going over their meds and educating them on everything they need to know about their transplant. I'll be in clinic twice a week. It's new-very different from the organ recovery biz. I think I'm going to like it. Wish me luck.
Best of luck to you, TC! and Happy Easter!
Good luck TC.
I hope it is a great change for you and your family.
I can see how it might not hold some of the same excitement as your other jobs, but as someone who still deals with a TC (for my daughter) on a regular basis, I know what an important and special job it is. I hope it works out well for you.
Congrats! Wishing you enjoyment at your new job. Believe me, TC are awesome!!
Kidney transplant recipient
October 2000
Good luck with the new position! We have had a couple open up at my hospital lately and I have briefly considered but I'm still holding out for the assistant educator for the unit!
Yeah you've joined our team....the renal team...I am a dialysis tech soon to be nursing student and we love the TCs!!!
Congratulations and good luck! Sounds like a great opportunity. Looking forward to reading about life as a different kind of TC (it seems like "adventures" follow you, so I'm sure you will have a crazy story or two to share!).
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